by amy | May 13, 2022 | Uncategorized |
Hey lovelies! Its Friday FINALLY and there is noth9ihng more that I like better than sharing one of my boudoir clients experiences. I think boudoir is so vulnerable so I want to make sure that you hear about it not just from me all the time but from my other clients...
by amy | Dec 1, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Hey!! Its Me again, I know that the thought of doing a boudoir session can be intimidating. Maybe you’re intrigued but afraid of how you’d look, afraid you’re not thin enough, young enough, or hot enough to look sexy. Maybe you’re afraid that a camera...
by amy | Feb 19, 2020 | Uncategorized |
10 Tips To Keep It Sexy There are many different ways to be sexy! We have you completely covered and aim to give you that confident boost you crave. We have you covered from your outward appearance down to your mindset! Let’s dive in shall we? 1.) Eye Contact! Nothing...
by amy | Jan 24, 2020 | blog, Uncategorized |
I honestly believe in what we do here at the Intimate story wholeheartedly. Buuuut I also know that its a whole different story to be on the other end of that camera. That is why I LOVE Featured Client Fridays so damn much. You get to hear in their own words how...
by amy | Sep 17, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Let me start off by saying: no two days are the same when it comes to being a boudoir photographer. Though I will admit, I do go through a lot of the same motions. So friends, this is it. Today I’m sharing what a typical day in my life as a full-time boudoir...
by amy | Apr 11, 2019 | Uncategorized |
Boudoir FAQs (and Answers!) I don’t know if I’m comfortable sharing my images online, will you post them? I will ONLY share your images if I have written permission from you to do so. You are also able to determine which photos, if any, I am allowed to share. My...