

I could go on and on. What I do? Its my passion and I am massively blessed to do this as my career. I can get a bit soap boxy about it if you can’t tell 🙂

As for me, I am a pretty simple girl who is hugely feminine. I love lace, wine, flowers, vintage, and coffee..lots and lots of coffee. I spent 10 years practicing as a psychiatric nurse so there is literally nothing that I haven’t seen or that really surprises me. I am pretty chill, I love to babble but most of all I love to make people feel comfortable and at ease around me. I struggle massively with my own body image and I understand that every single one of us has issues with our bodies…no matter what the tag on your jeans say.

With 4 kids, 4 dogs, and an ancient cat my household is complete chaos. I rather like it that way. Life is so much more fun when its messy. My studio, my art…it’s my happy place and its a safe empowering place for you. The women who come to see me, who support me, they become my friends..they are my tribe. I am not a size two or anywhere close really. I have had babies, I have cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles….lots of wrinkles!! I have my own insecurities about my body and know how vulnerable I am about them, that it makes it easy to be conscientious and understanding of yours.

Wanna learn more about me?? Come join my PRIVATE GROUP and you can see me in all my rambling glory 🙂

If you can trust me enough to take the first step out of your comfort zone I can promise you will never regret it.


Ready to find out more?

6 + 14 =