Featured Client Friday | Ms. B

Featured Client Friday | Ms. B

I honestly believe in what we do here at the Intimate story wholeheartedly.  Buuuut I also know that its a whole different story to be on the other end of that camera.  That is why I LOVE Featured Client Fridays so damn much.  You get to hear in their own words how...
Client stories | Ms D | Indiana boudoir photographer

Client stories | Ms D | Indiana boudoir photographer

This beauty and I had such marvelous time when she came in for her session.  I am pretty sure I haven’t laughed that much in a long ass time!!!  I was so excited when she agreed to tell you all about her experience! How old are you 37   what do you do?...
Real women in the 1700’s vs today

Real women in the 1700’s vs today

  So….. I stumbled upon these paintings, The Three Graces and Goddess Diana and Nymph Callisto, the other day and it really got me thinking about the current state of body image and female figures portrayed in the media. At first, I was going to keep my...