
We all know what self care is, right? It’s the hot new term for “me time.” But contrary to popular belief, self care is not just an hour or two of bubble baths and pedicures. In fact, true self care is a lot harder than that. It’s about creating healthy habits that allow you to take care of yourself both mentally and physically. So if you’re looking for some real-world tips on how to practice self care, keep reading! I’ve got plenty to share.

Self care promotes your health and well being.  The trendy idea of self care would be things like bubble baths and pedicures.  Those feel good.

Things that you enjoy and are fun

  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Socializing
  • Maintaining positive relationships 
  • Crafts 
  • Crochet
  • Puzzles
  • Reading about travel destinations
  • Making music

All of these are good but the point is to fill you up rather than to add more things to your ever growing todo list.  If the idea of doing these things makes you tired its not freaking self care.  

But real self care isn’t exactly what you think it is.  It’s not all about escaping and chilling.

Its also being in the present and being your authentic self and not procrastinating all the things 


Its having those hard boundary conversations

Its learning to love your body for the beauty it has no matter what your weight or size 

Its ridding yourself from toxicity

Its about forgiving

Its about accepting what you can’t change

Its facing fears about not being enough

Its doing something that scares the hell out of you, like a boudoir session?

Its about not thinking you have to control everything

Its allowing yourself to be normal instead of “perfect”

It means letting your house be messy or delegating responsibilities


Being busy isn’t a dam badge of honor love.

So, what does self care look like for you? Now that you know it doesn’t have to be a day at the spa or a weekend away. In fact, some of the best self care ideas are simple and easy to do every day. What matters is that you take the time to focus on yourself and your needs. And if bubble baths make you happy, go for it! We hope these tips have given you some new ideas for how to practice better self care. What are some of your favorite ways to take care of yourself? Share them with us in the comments below.

