Fun fact Neither Are Any of Our Clients.

Let’s get one thing straight right out of the gate: unless you’re secretly hiding a Victoria’s Secret contract in your purse (in which case, wow, bold of you to keep that quiet), you’re not a supermodel. And guess what? Neither are 99.9% of the women who step into our studio—and that other 0.1%? Probably lost and looking for directions.

Boudoir isn’t about being a model. It’s not about fitting into some cookie-cutter idea of “sexy” or pulling off the same sultry look you saw in a magazine that probably took 14 hours of editing and a team of people fluffing hair and adjusting lighting like their lives depended on it. Boudoir is about you, in all your perfectly imperfect, gloriously real glory.

But what if I don’t know how to pose?
Great. That means you’re normal. We’ll direct you every step of the way, right down to the tilt of your chin and the angle of your pinky toe if needed. You don’t need to know how to “smize” or pop a hip like you’re walking a runway in Milan. We’ll handle the posing magic—you just show up.

But I’m awkward in front of a camera!
Cool, us too. That’s why we talk so damn much during sessions. We’ll crack jokes, play your favorite hype songs, and probably make an inappropriate comment or two just to keep things light. Awkwardness is part of the charm. Embrace it. It’s fun.

But what about my (insert insecurity here)?
We all have that “one thing” we hyper-focus on. Your tummy, your thighs, your “weird elbow skin” (yes, We’ve heard it all). Here’s the deal: We know how to pose and light you in ways that flatter you. Not some imaginary, airbrushed version of you—actual you. And spoiler alert: the things you stress about? You’ll barely notice them when you see how fucking amazing  you look in the final photos.

So no, you don’t need to be a supermodel to book a boudoir session. You just need to be willing to show up as you are, trust the process, and let me show you what everyone else sees when they look at you: someone absolutely worth photographing.

Supermodel status optional… Confidence guaranteed.


Amy and Brie

Ps. Want to find out more???? just drop us a note Contact