

Let’s talk about something that doesn’t get nearly enough attention—feeling good in your own damn skin. Yeah, that thing we’re all supposed to magically know how to do, while juggling life, work, stress, and trying to convince ourselves that pizza isn’t a food group (even though it obviously is). Here’s the deal: it’s hard. Self-love? Not always as easy as throwing on a face mask and calling it a spa night. Sometimes, feeling good in your body feels like climbing Everest. Barefoot. In the rain. While carrying a boulder of insecurity on your back.

Now, that’s where a boudoir session comes in—cue the music.

I know what you’re thinking. “Wait, you want me to get half-naked in front of a stranger with a camera? Are you out of your damn mind?” Trust me, I get it. But hear me out. Boudoir photography isn’t about being a size zero, having the “right” curves, or even walking in like you own the place. In fact, most people stumble in with about as much confidence as a cat in a bathtub.

But here’s the magic of it all: you don’t need to feel like a runway model when you walk through the door. Hell, you can feel like a hot mess in yoga pants. What matters is how you’re going to feel after—and spoiler alert, that’s where the empowerment comes in. Boudoir sessions are all about shifting that narrative in your head, the one that tells you you’re not enough. And honestly, that voice has been running the show for far too long.

The Power of a Good Boudoir Shoot

Let’s break it down. A good boudoir photographer? They’re not just snapping pictures. They’re there to make you feel like the freaking queen you are. It’s about more than poses—it’s about capturing you, in all your raw, real, and beautiful glory. And no, I’m not talking about airbrushed, cookie-cutter perfection. We’re talking about the badass version of you that gets up every day and does life, imperfections and all.

Here’s what happens during a boudoir session: you step in front of that camera, probably feeling awkward as hell. But somewhere along the way—whether it’s the vibe in the room, the energy of the shoot, or maybe just the realization that you look damn good in that lacy thing you almost didn’t wear—you start to feel it. That spark. That little shift inside that goes, “Wait a minute, maybe I’m hot shit after all.”

And before you know it? You’re owning the room. Yeah, it’s a bit weird at first, but that’s part of the process. You slowly let go of all that nervous energy, all that “I’m not good enough” nonsense, and suddenly… you’re strutting like you were born to do this. You might even catch yourself having fun, laughing, feeling sexy, and—dare I say it—empowered.

You Deserve to Feel Beautiful

Let’s get one thing straight: everyone deserves to feel beautiful. I don’t care what size you are, what age you are, or how many Instagram filters you think you need to look “right.” Boudoir is about you. It’s about capturing your unique beauty, the kind that’s often overlooked when you’re too busy stressing about life to even notice it. It’s that one moment in time where the world stops, and it’s just you, feeling like the absolute knockout you’ve always been.

And don’t get it twisted—boudoir isn’t about pleasing anyone else. This isn’t for your partner, your Instagram followers, or your “I’ve had a glow-up” TikTok reel (although, if you want to flex, go ahead). It’s about you seeing yourself in a new light. It’s about reclaiming your body from all the bullshit stories society—and, let’s be real, sometimes ourselves—have told you about what you “should” look like.

Walking In With Doubt, Walking Out Like a Queen

Look, you might walk in feeling like you want to run back to your car and hide. That’s normal. The point is that by the time you walk out, you’ll feel different. You’ll see yourself differently. You’ll realize that your body isn’t something to be fixed or hidden—it’s something to celebrate. Boudoir has this insane way of reminding you that you’re already enough, just as you are, no “flawless” filter required.

By the end of the session, it’s not just about the photos (though let’s be real, those are going to be fire). It’s about the way you’ll look at those photos later and go, “Damn, that’s me.” Not some Photoshopped fantasy, not the person you keep telling yourself you should be, but the real, raw, powerful you. The one who had the guts to step in front of the camera and let herself shine.

So Why Boudoir?

Because we all need a reminder sometimes that we’re not just okay, we’re freaking incredible. And if standing in front of a camera in nothing but lingerie is what it takes to see yourself that way? Then, hell yeah, do it. You deserve to feel that kind of confidence. You deserve to feel that kind of power. And you deserve to feel good in your own skin, flaws and all.

Boudoir isn’t about creating something you’re not—it’s about uncovering what was always there. So go ahead. Step into the spotlight. Because trust me, you’re going to like what you see.



Amy and Brie

PS… Wanna find out more??  Just reach out. amy@theintimatestory.com