
Client reviews are my favorite. We love to hear how women enjoyed their sessions and learn what we can do better.  I think this review spoke to me a lot because she said

 “If you listen to what they have to say, you will love the ending results.”

Here is the thing…Every woman has the same fear when they book with us.  They may acknowledge it or it may be subconscious but ultimately they are all afraid of the same thing.  Wanna know what it is??

That their images will not be as good as everyone else’s they have seen.


Why?  because we all have this underlying fear that we aren’t good enough…so how can our photos be good??  This is what ultimately keeps people from booking.  The fear of not being good enough.

The sad thing is that you are waaaayyyy more than good enough, you just need to be able to see it.  And we PROMISE if you give us a chance…and listen to what we have to say you will indeed love the ending results.


curvy woman photographed laying on black bed touching her face


Meet Darlene

  • 30. And a clerk at the post office


  • I wanted something to help me, feel better about myself ,and Feel more confident


  • When I first saw the appointment up, I was a little nervous, but as it got closer to the appointment, I actually was getting very excited



  • The session was super easy with the help of my photographer, Bree. She walked me through step-by-step on what needed to be done, and was very easy to understand.


  • My favorite part was that, even without the editing of some of the photos that she let me see of what she took, I felt very beautiful, and again that was without any kind of editing that was just on her screen of her camera


  • I absolutely fell in love


  • It absolutely did. I feel so much better about my body and I’m definitely not scared to show any of it.


  • I would definitely say go in with an open mind it may be a little nerve-racking, but that’s OK. You have a perfect photographer there that will walk you through doing it and if you listen to what they have to say, you will love the ending results and in the end, I promise you will love everything about it.


  • It definitely made me see myself differently as that I can pose for pictures rather than feeling like I just look like a homeless person and I guess I can say that


  • They were absolutely amazing and super friendly



Thank YOU Darlene for trusting us and sharing your experience.



Amy and Brie


PS.  Ready to book your own session?????  Contact US here