Trauma and Body Image

Trauma and Body Image

Let’s talk about something that doesn’t get enough attention: the relationship between trauma and body image. It’s something we see all the time in the studio, and something I  witnessed firsthand as a psychiatric nurse. Trauma—whether it’s from shitty childhood...
Nakoas Story

Nakoas Story

Nakoa walked into the studio like so many women do—nervous, unsure, and carrying the kind of body baggage that doesn’t just disappear with a pep talk. She wasn’t worried about the camera or the outfits. Her biggest fear? That she just wouldn’t like what she saw....
You’re Not A Super Model???

You’re Not A Super Model???

Fun fact Neither Are Any of Our Clients. Let’s get one thing straight right out of the gate: unless you’re secretly hiding a Victoria’s Secret contract in your purse (in which case, wow, bold of you to keep that quiet), you’re not a supermodel. And guess what? Neither...
Vision Boards for Self Love

Vision Boards for Self Love

Vision Boards for Self-Love and Body Positivity Alright, babes, let’s talk self-love and body positivity. And before you roll your eyes thinking this is another Pinterest-perfect, influencer-approved bullshit hold your judgment—we’re diving into this with realness,...
Feeling good in Your Own Skin…

Feeling good in Your Own Skin…

  Let’s talk about something that doesn’t get nearly enough attention—feeling good in your own damn skin. Yeah, that thing we’re all supposed to magically know how to do, while juggling life, work, stress, and trying to convince ourselves that pizza isn’t a food...
Jennifer’s Journey

Jennifer’s Journey

  Meet Jennifer: The Woman Who Said ‘Screw It’ and Owned Her Boudoir Shoot Alright, listen up. Today, we’re introducing Jennifer—total badass, confidence icon, and  one of our more recent clients to strip down (literally and figuratively) for a boudoir session....