Should I lose weight prior to a boudoir shoot?

Should I lose weight prior to a boudoir shoot?

Its time for little tough love Wednesday loves… As a boudoir photographer, the most asked question or statement I receive is “Should I lose weight before my session?” My answer? FUCK NO! Hearing the majority of women asking this is so so heartbreaking.   Being...
Featured Client Friday | Ms S

Featured Client Friday | Ms S

Its that time again!!!!!!  I love love love letting my clients share their experiences and their stories.  I can not say how much I appreciate their vulnerability and their willingness to help other women understand how important boudoir is!!!   Introducing Ms. S...
Featured Client Friday | Ms. B

Featured Client Friday | Ms. B

I honestly believe in what we do here at the Intimate story wholeheartedly.  Buuuut I also know that its a whole different story to be on the other end of that camera.  That is why I LOVE Featured Client Fridays so damn much.  You get to hear in their own words how...

Boudoir FAQ….and answers!!!

Boudoir FAQs (and Answers!)    I don’t know if I’m comfortable sharing my images online, will you post them?   I will ONLY share your images if I have written permission from you to do so. You are also able to determine which photos, if any, I am allowed to share. My...