
So the number one question I get from the ladies who come for a boudoir session is what do I wear.
My answer is that depends on first what kind of session you want and second what part of your body are you the least happy with.
For me its my tummy, and I find a lot of other women feel the same.  I have had 3 babies, been pregnant 4 times and managed to lose 100 pounds in rapid time.  My stomach has most definitely gotten the brunt of all that.  Hell, even before that I have never had a great stomach and I have a rather large rib cage as well.
So what kinds of things hide a not so tiny tummy?
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These things are miracle workers.  They hold everything in, define your shape  and hide any stretch marks or other imperfections.  They come in a huge array of styles and colors…the only consideration is to remember that the boning in them will leave marks on your skin..so you might want to wear this last.
High waisted panties and/or garter belts
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Again these hold everything in and accentuate those curves that you already have.  Super sexy and likely more comfortable then the corset.  High waists are great because they cut off at the smallest part of your waist that  helps define your hips beautifully.  Add on the garters to bring the eyes down the body.
Baby Dolls
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baby doll lingerie are fantastic for hiding the tummy.  The material just grazes the stomach loosely concealing any imperfections.  To me its kind of the maxi skirt of lingerie.   A little dressy but way comfy.  It offers a little more coverage if you are wanting that as well.
Shirts, sheets, posing etc…
All of these things we can use  to hide a trouble tummy.    This lets you have a few different looks for your session and a wider variety of boudoir pictures to choose from.
I make specific wardrobe suggestions at my consultations that are specific to your style of session as well as what parts of your body you want to minimize and which you want to downplay.

Interested??  Book your session today

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