
10 Hilariously Absurd Reasons a Woman Might Skip a Boudoir Photo Session

Welcome to our tongue-in-cheek look at why some women might say “no thanks” to a boudoir photo shoot.


woman in lingerie on a boudoir couch Fort Wayne Indiana

10 Hilariously Absurd Reasons a Woman Might Skip a Boudoir Photo Session

Welcome to our tongue-in-cheek look at why some women might say “no thanks” to a boudoir photo shoot. Remember, this is all in good fun!

  1. Fear of Being Mistaken for a Supermodel: Let’s face it, the risk of your boudoir photos going viral and being mistaken for the next big thing in modeling is real. Who needs that kind of pressure?
  2. Too Busy Watching Cat Videos: In this age of endless entertainment, who has time to take glamorous photos when there are so many cat videos yet to be watched?
  3. Alien Conspiracy Theories: You’re pretty sure aliens are using boudoir photos to identify potential Earth representatives. Best not to get involved in intergalactic politics.
  4. Chocolate Over Camera: Why spend hours in front of a camera when you could be spending that time with a box of chocolates? Priorities, people!
  5. Fear of Sparkle Overload: There’s a genuine concern that the camera flash might cause an irreversible sparkle effect, turning you into a human disco ball.
  6. Lack of Pirate Attire: Everyone knows the best boudoir photos are taken in pirate costumes, but alas, your pirate hat is at the cleaners.
  7. Superstition About Cameras Stealing Souls: You’re not entirely sure it’s just a myth. Better safe than sorry!
  8. Can’t Risk Messing Up That Perfectly Unmade Bed: After weeks of perfecting the art of the messy bed look, why ruin it for a photo shoot?
  9. Wardrobe is Strictly Pajamas: Ever since the pandemic, your wardrobe transitioned to exclusively pajamas. You’re not ready to break that commitment.
  10. Waiting for the Perfect Moment: Like when the stars align, Mercury is not in retrograde, and you’ve learned how to levitate. Any day now!

So there you have it, lovelies! The top 10 (totally legitimate) reasons a woman might not want to do a boudoir session.  😜

If one of these reasons dont apply to you then you should πŸ’― get in touch and we can chat about the detailsΒ Just set up a quick time to chat


Amy and Brie

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